One of our early spring activities is to hike in to a particular spot in Tuckahoe State Park to look for early wildflowers, often called spring ephemerals as they don’t last long. We went there on Sunday, March 18 and found that the main species we were looking for – bloodroot- was not up at all. We couldn’t find leaves, buds or blooms.
Apparently it is too soon this spring for bloodroots, but we did see a few spring beauties. Usually the peak for the bloodroots at this spot falls in the last week of March to the first week of April, depending on how warm the weather has been up to that point.
We’ll hopefully be back at some point this year and will catch the bloodroot and other wildflowers blooming. We also look forward to the various migrant bird species showing up and maybe seeing the herring spawning in the feeder streams to Tuckahoe Creek.